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Cabin of international line official business is rolled out buy give one privile

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Civil Aviation Information>

Na Hang announces 7 days, in international line official business cabin is rolled out buy give one privilege. The passenger buys Na Hang to appoint " 5 big line " official cabin passenger ticket, give the Na Hang country that with place the Duan Xiangxian that buy boat receives freely paragraph first-class stateroom cabin or change trains come the official cabin passenger ticket of course of Han of the Xin Matai, humble that jump over card, day.

According to introducing, this " 5 big line " include Guangzhou - Paris, Guangzhou - Melbourne / Sydney, Guangzhou - los angeles, Guangzhou - Beijing - Amsterdam (CZ767/8 airliner except) with Beijing - draw line of each Si Hang. Like the passenger from Changsha only then change trains of hair classics Guangzhou comes los angeles, buy Guangzhou - the boat austral los angeles announces freight rate, give Changsha Guangzhou freely paragraph passenger ticket of first-class stateroom cabin; Like the passenger from Manila only then change trains of hair classics Guangzhou comes los angeles, buy Guangzhou - the boat austral los angeles announces freight rate, give Manila Guangzhou freely paragraph official cabin passenger ticket.