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Airline of foreign country of strategy of the Christmas that start pushs special

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Ticket information>

Still have a many month from christmas, foreign airline has begun to start Christmas strategy. Yesterday (11 days) , the reporter interviews understanding to arrive, christmas of sri lanka two-men swims to need 6660 yuan only.

"Turn over seasonal travel " all through the ages is a hiemal a window, yesterday, the reporter learns from sri lanka airline, since this day, the tourist needs to cost 6660 yuan to be able to obtain two-men 5 days only the viatic formula of the Christmas of 3 late sri lanka going there and back or New Year. Special offer covers a ticket to end to December 31, 2006 continuously all the time.

In addition, because this month still is aviation off-season, leave the country airline ticket can tax many petty gain. Sri lanka airline rolls out " Beijing -- Bangkok " single ticket is 900 yuan only, will continue to December 15. Country boat " Beijing -- los angeles " one-way 2880 yuan, " Beijing -- new York " 3070 yuan one-way, it is a lot of cheaper at ordinary times to be compared.