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Is baggage consigned what procedures is there?

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Passenger service>

1. The passenger must consign baggage by effective passenger ticket. Carrier should be made clear on passenger ticket and luggage check consign row
Plum number and a weight.

2. Carrier should leave a station to be dealt with that day in the airliner commonly seize the opportunity carry luggage receives when formalities; Be like group passenger
Baggage is overmuch, or when needing to be consigned ahead of schedule because of other reason, can agree with the passenger time, place is held in the palm

3. The every baggage Ying Shuan that carrier consigns to the passenger hangs luggage claim tag, and among them identifying couplet pays a passenger.
Provide for oneself via what carrier agrees baggage, should with consign a Li Ge and plan after weighing, hand in take a settle or live in a strange place by the passenger
In charge of of cabin proper motion, hang in the fasten on baggage provide for oneself luggage claim tag.

4. Do not belong to the article of baggage, answer to be consigned by goods, cannot consign as baggage.